

Sentinel no longer publishes the Commentary. Below are archived issues.

December 2015/16 Double-Issue

I am employing a famous line from this celebrated movie to send a message: we are not in the same economic and global environments that the U.S. enjoyed during the ‘70s, ‘80’s and ‘90’s. Below, I list many of the radical and unwelcomed changes that much of the developed economies have adopted …if that’s the correct term. Whether our U.S. economy has shot itself in the foot or caught a stray bullet… doesn’t really matter.
Sentinel Capital Solutions – Commentary – December 2015

Fall 2014

In our past editions, we always tried to adhere to a monthly calendar schedule. But sometimes, certain critical or unexpected events cause us to delay the release of our publication. Why? Because the nature of the incidents preempts what we have already written, making it stale or unimportant in the light of the new reality.
Sentinel Capital Solutions – Commentary – Fall 2014

November 2014

This month we want to pinpoint the critical factors that we believe are important and, in some instances, essential to investors’ input
and consideration. We also continue to look at the difficulty of obtaining “escape velocity” as well as achieving a “virtuous circle” of GDP
growth where in its strength produces ongoing demand, jobs, earnings, tax revenue, prosperity and sound economic growth that funds bond
interest payments as well as stock dividend enhancement. Thus, our nation’s standard of living constantly improves along with our budget
deficit as it emerges as a surplus and reduces our debt load… sort of a “Wizard of Oz” ending. Or at least that’s how more than a few
pundits express it.
Sentinel Capital Solutions – Commentary – November 2014

Sentinel Capital Solutions – Commentary Outlook Edition 2014

July/August 2014

This double-edition expresses the likelihood of a stagnate economic condition for the foreseeable future. The Fed will see our lack of GDP growth as a threat to our huge debt load and is likely to debase our dollar. Under this environment, certain asset classes and equity sectors are very unlikely to produce acceptable returns, even for longer-term investors.
Sentinel Capital Solutions – Commentary – Summer 2014

June 2014

Maintaining a risk-averse stance in the “New Normal” lethargic GDP global environment.
Sentinel Capital Solutions – Commentary – June 2014

May 2014

Defining Cost vs. Value. A look at the Big Four GDPs and the risks they pose. Considering the technicals. Adjusting our strategy for a more cautious and defensive portfolio.
Sentinel Capital Solutions – Commentary – May 2014

March 2014

March’s Commentary discusses how it is critical for investors and advisors to deal with the market we have, rather than the one we wish we had. This issue covers the four catalysts that push a bull market into a bear, the US’s “escape velocity”, and offers a glimpse into China Europe and Russia.
Sentinel Capital Solutions – Commentary – March 2014